DAI’s Jean Gilson Appointed to SID Global Leadership Post

June 05, 2014

Jean Gilson, DAI’s Senior Vice President for Strategy and Information Technology, has been appointed to serve as Vice President on the Executive Committee of the Society for International Development, the umbrella group of which SID-Washington is a leading member. SID has three offices—in Dar es-Salaam, Nairobi, and Rome—and local chapters in more than 50 countries. Jean will be the only U.S. representative on the Executive Committee.

“SID could not have a more impeccable and distinguished individual as Jean Gilson joining the organization at a pivotal moment when SID is reviewing its relevance and scope of roles in a fast-changing global development scene,” said SID President Juma Mwapachu, citing her “broad work experience involving diverse international development roles in developing country environments.”

SID was founded in Washington, D.C., in 1957 as a forum for development professionals to exchange information and experiences. The organization moved to its new headquarters in Rome in 1978. Over the years, SID has been at the forefront of shaping the theory and practice of development, challenging existing practices, and suggesting alternative approaches.

“SID’s great strength is its global perspective, based on a worldwide network of individuals and institutions,” Jean said. “I’m grateful for this opportunity to support the SID network and help bring its insights to the development debates of our time.”

Jean was re-elected as Chair for Chapter Affairs at the local SID chapter last October. As the second-ranking officer of the SID-Washington board of directors, she leads efforts on membership recruitment, retention, and diversification, and helps guide the organization’s strategic thinking.



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A recent story in the Developments newsletter struck a chord throughout DAI and beyond.

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