DAI-managed Centre for Local Business Development Launches Women’s Entrepreneurship Programme in Guyana

July 20, 2021

Guyana’s Centre for Local Business Development, managed by DAI since its launch in 2017, has launched a cutting-edge women’s entrepreneurship programme, Accelerate-Her. The programme will provide Guyanese women with an opportunity to receive professional development and mentoring that fosters personal growth and local business success.

IMG_4582 (002).jpgThe Centre for Local Business Development launches new initiative Accelerate-Her to empower women entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises in Guyana.

The Centre’s Accelerate-Her programme targets local women owners, operators, and managers to build their leadership and business skills and help them grow companies across a wide variety of industries and sectors. The programme is designed to accelerate local small business development through tailored workshops, access to one-on-one business advisory and mentors, pitch development, and a supportive peer-learning environment for women. Predicated on successful mentorship and peer-learning models, Accelerate-Her matches a pool of professional mentors with participants based on their professional background and business focus.

The Centre receives financial support from the Greater Guyana Initiative, funded by the Stabroek Block co-venturers ExxonMobil, Hess, and CNOOC.

“We are excited to launch Accelerate-Her to empower Guyanese women to grow their businesses and leadership as entrepreneurs. Accelerate-Her is part of the Centre for Local Business Development’s ongoing efforts to expand the ecosystem of competitive business while generating increased opportunities,” said Centre Director Natasha Gaskin-Peters.

The launch of Accelerate-Her expands on the Centre’s work in supplier development and local content, to further inclusive and sustainable economic growth through women-led businesses across diverse sectors. Applications have opened for women entrepreneurs seeking to expand their company, access new markets, or increase efficiencies and innovation. Growth-minded businesses in any sector–including tourism, agri-business, food and beverage industry, transport, and hospitality–are encouraged to apply.

To apply, visit: http://centreguyana.com/wep/

For more information contact: Cara_Harley@dai.com



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