Former Finance Vice Minister Eduardo Fernandez Joins DAI

March 19, 2012

Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Colombia’s former vice minister of finance and national budget director, recently joined DAI as managing director for governance in the Mexico office. Fernandez served from 1983-1998 in a number of roles in the Colombian government, including as governor of the state of El Meta and secretary of finance for the capital city of Bogotá, before beginning his career in global development work.

Since 1998 he has worked for numerous clients, including the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and U.S. Agency for International Development. His work in 12 countries has focused on designing and implementing fiscal policy, especially in relation to transferring responsibilities and resources to local and regional governments. Fernandez also has deep experience in developing the complementary institutional reforms required for local and regional governments to achieve this administrative autonomy.

He has served as a senior governance consultant on projects in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, and Mexico, among other countries.

“We are delighted that Dr. Fernandez has joined our team,” said Nate Bourns, managing director of DAI Mexico. “As more Latin American governments at all levels search for ways to strengthen their financial performance and outlook, it is great for DAI to now have one of the best in the business at doing just that.”

Fernandez joins a public finance practice with a record of delivering results in diverse contexts all over the world. In El Salvador, DAI’s team increased tax revenues by 2 percent of gross domestic product without raising rates. In Jordan, we rolled out a state-of-the-art financial management information system. In Moldova, we introduced an electronic filing solution now used by 30,000 taxpayers. In Michoacán State, Mexico, we produced the state’s first-ever medium-term expenditure framework. In Bosnia & Herzegovina, we tripled registered taxpayers and halved collection costs.

“In the world of public financial management, knowing what works is valuable, making it work is what counts,” said Fernandez. “I am confident that in joining DAI, I am joining a team that will make a difference for national and subnational governments where it counts.”

Watch a video of Fernandez discussing his public financial management philosophy.



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DAI is delighted to announce it has joined an alliance working with Walmart to evaluate the retailer’s initiative to empower women working in its factories in developing countries.

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