Spring 2017 Issue of DAI’s Developments Newsletter Now Available

April 06, 2017

DAI is delighted to introduce the Spring 2017 issue of our Developments newsletter.

Leading off, Mark Rostal and John Jepsen describe how $1 billion in local financing was unlocked for borrowers throughout Kenya under the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Financial Inclusion for Microenterprises project. Rostal and Jepsen further tell how this assistance to hundreds of financial institutions and actors has strengthened the foundation in Kenya for further investment and economic growth.

Next up, Richard Rapier writes of how four diverse countries in Sub-Saharan Africa significantly increased the amount of drinking water available to their citizens. Rapier also prescribes how other water-challenged countries can follow suit.

Devs----Gaza-fish-1.jpg Khaled Sarhan, owner of the Fish Fresh farm in Gaza.

Other stories include:

  • Lebanon’s doubling of its honey production to $70 million annually, among other value chain successes, by Nadine Chemali and Mounia Barakat.
  • The need—and reasoning—for more women to hold positions on the frontlines of the war on global hunger, by Alia Afshar-Gandhi and Kirsten Weeks.
  • Six ways to address struggles and mitigate instability in Central America, by Charles Coon, John Costenbader, and Robin Young.
  • Restoring a critical and time-honored industry in Gaza—fish farming—to meet strong local demand by families and restaurants.
  • Also from Afghanistan, Dennis Duncan writes of how the Afghan Parliament designed and passed a law that criminalizes sexual harassment in the country’s workplaces and elsewhere.
  • DAI is applying a market systems approach in Bangladesh to strengthen the country’s agricultural network and, as a result, its performance, by Michael Field and Sarah Wall.

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White Paper Released on Project that Connected 67,000 Rural Cambodians to Clean Water

A recent story in the Developments newsletter struck a chord throughout DAI and beyond.

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