Students from Indonesia’s Finance Ministry Visit DAI

May 03, 2012

Indonesian StudentsDAI, which has worked in Indonesia for more than 30 years, hosted 15 junior members of that country’s Ministry of Finance this week for a discussion at DAI headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland.

The visitors, who included analysts from Indonesia’s Fiscal, Tax, Budget, and Macroeconomic policy offices, are master’s degree candidates in applied economics at Georgia State University, which along with the U.S. Agency for International Development and Indonesia’s Gadjah Mada University, is funding their studies.

Eunice Heredia-Ortiz, a public finance economist for DAI, helped design the applied economics curriculum before joining DAI while she was a professor at Georgia State. Eunice led a discussion on fiscal reform and public financial management, while DAI’s Allen Hollenbach described DAI’s work in Indonesia to improve access to clean water and sanitation services.



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