Africa—Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)

Client: World Bank

Duration: 2012-2016

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Regional

Solutions: Economic Growth

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is the agricultural programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, an African Union (AU) programme. Established by the AU assembly in 2003, CAADP focuses on improving food security, nutrition, and increasing incomes in Africa’s largely farming-based economies. It aims to achieve this by raising agricultural productivity and increasing public investment in agriculture. We provided technical assistance, at country and regional levels, to the CAADP.

Sample Activities

  • Provide technical experts to support CAADP institutions in designing the appropriate structures to deliver technical services effectively.
  • Establish an interim financing and management arrangement to respond to the immediate demand for technical assistance for the development and review of national agriculture and food security investment plans while a more permanent structure is being put in place.
  • Build a database of all CAADP projects we manage and the experts we contract to implement these.
  • Provide support to the events for Year of African Agriculture 2014 by liaising with the AU in Addis Ababa to manage the logistics for major conferences, seminars, workshops, and similar events.
  • Provide technical assistance specifically to the Southern African Development Community and its member states to advance their agriculture investment programmes.

Select Results

  • Formulated new Agriculture Investment Plans and revised existing plans for a variety of countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Mauritania, Seychelles, and South Sudan; provided regional support in the same fields for organisations such as the Economic Community of Central African States.
  • Facilitated several orientation seminars and business meetings to exchange strategic information and experiences.


Regional—Advancing Commerce Connectivity and Exports Leading to Economic Readiness for Accession to the EU (ACCELERATE)

The Advancing Commerce Connectivity and Exports Leading to Economic Readiness for Accession to the EU (ACCELERATE) program is a regional buy-in mechanism is designed to advance EU market integration and support the EU accession of up to 12 countries, including Ukraine, Moldova, and countries across the Western Balkans and the Caucasus.

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