Regional—Local Content Country Case Studies

Client: Multinational Corporation

Duration: 2016-2016

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Regional

Solutions: Sustainable Business

The Sustainable Business Group (SBG) conducted a Local Content Regime Analysis (LCRA) in seven countries and provided a comparative analysis of the impacts of local content regimes. The countries examined included Ghana, Nigeria, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea, Uganda.

Local content, also known as “national content,” “indigenous content,” or “local participation,” refers to the goods and services sourced from domestic vendors and their broader economic impact in terms of value add and employment. Local content can include the procurement of goods and services from local vendors, employment and training of national workers, development of local business institutions, improvement of local technological capabilities, and joint ventures and partnerships.



United States—Driving More Inclusive Growth Through Support for Small Businesses

The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth commissioned DAI to help shape, manage, and grow one of its signature initiatives focused on small businesses in the United States.

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