Angola—Fiscal Reform Project (AFRP)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2006-2009

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Angola

Solutions: Governance

In the peace following three decades of civil war, Angola faced the formidable challenge of building basic infrastructure, establishing social services, and addressing widespread poverty. If properly managed, oil wealth—already accounting for 40 percent of gross domestic product and 80 percent of government revenues—had the potential to drive Angola’s social and economic recovery. In 2005, the economy grew 18 percent, fueled by increased oil production and rising prices on the world market. With oil prices at record levels and oil production estimated to double in the next several years, the Government of the Republic of Angola had to consider how to make wise use of the revenues this windfall afforded. AFRP was based on DAI’s earlier work under the Fiscal Reform in Support of Trade Liberalization project, which designed and launched the Fiscal Programming Unit (FPU) in the Angola Ministry of Finance.

Sample Activities

  • Improve fiscal accounts, transparency, fiscal planning, and discipline for the Government of the Republic of Angola.
  • Help the FPU recruit, train, and retain qualified professionals.
  • Work with FPU staff to ensure that fiscal data are recorded in such a way that financial reports can be produced on both a cash and accrual basis.
  • Devise a schedule to link revenue, expenditure, and financing operations of agencies with the government’s chart of accounts.

Select Results

  • Developed and installed a medium-term fiscal framework, which was key to the development of the country’s economic goals and economic stability.
  • Achieved fiscal reporting of a quality acceptable to international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund.


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