Ethiopia—Technical Facility Unit (TFU)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2023-2026

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Ethiopia

Solutions: Governance

The European Union is supporting the Government of Ethiopia through public financial management (PFM) projects and through the new Technical Facility Unit (TFU). The TFU will oversee implementation of the entire PFM Reforms program, providing technical assistance and advisory services to all institutions in the PFM process.

The project aims to increase fiscal transparency and accountability, improve budgeting, and advance gender-responsive budgeting.

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Sample Activities

  • Establish a program management and implementation framework, including work plans, monitoring and evaluation, and risk management.
  • Promote communication and knowledge sharing among counterparts and stakeholders.
  • Enhance the government’s budget management capabilities through technical support and capacity building.
  • Improve IT systems for transparency and advancing monitoring and evaluation.
  • Enhance legislative oversight by the House of People’s Representatives.


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