Georgia—JSC BasisBank Institution-Building Programme

Client: JSC Basis BasisBank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Duration: 2009-2011

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Georgia

Solutions: Economic Growth

DAI supported BasisBank in the implementation of a comprehensive institution-building programme. The objective of the programme was to strengthen the bank to allow it to compete effectively in Georgia and the region and thereby contribute to increased competition and a more balanced distribution of financial power. The programme spanned a large area of the bank’s activities, from corporate governance and strategic review to risk management and internal systems, with extensive work being done on the streamlining of corporate and retail lending.

Sample Activities

  • Strengthen corporate governance.
  • Introduce planning procedures, preparation of plans and budgets.
  • Assess and enhance organizational structure.
  • Assess internal accountability and introduce regulations for internal reporting.
  • Review human resources function.
  • Introduce annual performance appraisal process and remuneration scheme, including bonus scheme.
  • Strengthen annual budgeting process.

Select Results

  • Following the project, the bank had significantly stronger corporate governance, strategic review, and organizational restructuring, business development, operations review, risk management, and internal systems. Notably, the bank now has a stronger risk management structure including policies for credit, operational and market risks; models and tools for assessment and monitoring of loan portfolios and analysing liquidity levels; a system of controls related to operational risk; structures for credit assessment and approval; formats for design and implementation of new products; and effectively separated front and back offices.
  • Delivered a comprehensive set of tailored training sessions and mentoring services, building the skills of bank management and staff members.


Regional—Advancing Commerce Connectivity and Exports Leading to Economic Readiness for Accession to the EU (ACCELERATE)

The Advancing Commerce Connectivity and Exports Leading to Economic Readiness for Accession to the EU (ACCELERATE) program is a regional buy-in mechanism is designed to advance EU market integration and support the EU accession of up to 12 countries, including Ukraine, Moldova, and countries across the Western Balkans and the Caucasus.

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