Ghana—Political Economy Analysis

Client: Multinational corporation

Duration: 2016-2016

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Ghana

Solutions: Sustainable Business

In service to its evaluation of migrating a logistics base to a port in Ghana, an international oil and gas company contracted DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) to conduct a political economy analysis to identify the risks and opportunities associated with the venture. For the analysis, SBG analyzed the likely political and economic implications of this move. Outputs included research results associated with potential disruptions to business and political arrangements, risk mitigation strategies, and analysis of the real and perceived risks and opportunities that may result from the move.



United States—Driving More Inclusive Growth Through Support for Small Businesses

The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth commissioned DAI to help shape, manage, and grow one of its signature initiatives focused on small businesses in the United States.

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