Guinea—Workforce Assessment

Client: Multinational corporation

Duration: 2014-2014

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Guinea

Solutions: Sustainable Business

DAI’s Sustainable Business Group provided high-level analysis of the labor force in Guinea, with some observations of regional actors including Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Analysis focused on areas of the labor force that would be able to support expanded mining operations. The report directly addressed the availability of low-skilled and unskilled workers, the cost of local skilled and unskilled workers (including local rates associated with financial and administrative costs of the hiring process), existence and information on local recruiting agencies, qualitative challenges that have current or legacy impacts on the availability and capacity of local labor. The analysis was developed through the lens anticipating or meeting Guinean local content requirements for international companies.



United States—Driving More Inclusive Growth Through Support for Small Businesses

The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth commissioned DAI to help shape, manage, and grow one of its signature initiatives focused on small businesses in the United States.

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