Regional—Tackling Illicit Financial Flows in Latin America (TIFF)

Client: U.K. Integrated Security Fund

Duration: 2022-2025

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean


Solutions: Governance

Tackling Illicit Financial Flows in Latin America (TIFF) is a UK Government programme, funded by the Integrated Security Fund (formerly the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund). TIFF works with a number of state institutions, providing expert assistance to enhance countries’ strategies and responses to illicit financial flows (IFFs) and associated corruption. The regional program works from a central management hub in Colombia through engagement with regional counterparts in Ecuador, Colombia, Perú, and Panamá.


Sample Activities

  • Provide strategic support to selected units for Prosecutor’s Offices, including technical assistance and methodologies to respond to IFFs.
  • Provide strategic support to national authorities to tackle environmental crime issues.
  • Increase the regional capacity of Financial Intelligence Units.

Select Results

  • Strengthened the capacity of the Ecuadorian Attorney-General’s Office in analyzing, investigating, and prosecuting domestic anti-corruption dynamics through methodologies and guides.
  • Strengthened the capacity of the Colombian Attorney-General’s Office to analyze, investigate, and prosecute illicit financial flows. This was achieved by providing technical assistance to upgrade their technological platform and methodologies.
  • Conducted a Political Economy Analysis and other studies offering a comprehensive understanding of Illicit Financial Flows and their connection to deforestation in Peru.
  • Bolstered the capacity of regional Financial Intelligence Units in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Panama. This was achieved by fostering cross-regional collaboration through a series of bilateral and multilateral exchanges between the institutions.


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