Romania—Volksbank Leasing (VBL)

Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Duration: 2006-2008

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Romania

Solutions: Economic Growth

Established in 2000, Volksbank Leasing (VBL) quickly became one of the top players in the Romanian leasing sector. By 2005, VBL had concluded €112 million in leasing contracts, approximately 80 percent of which were in the vehicle leasing sector and the remaining 20 percent in equipment leasing. The company wanted to expand its equipment leasing business, and given its existing orientation toward the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector, saw the European Union/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Finance Facility as an ideal opportunity to do so. DAI was contracted by the EBRD to help VBL expand its leasing operations for the SME segment.


Sample Activities

  • Evaluate and recommend improvements to policies and procedures, including risk processes.
  • Assess training needs in risk management, controlling/reporting skills, and sales skills.
  • Improve financial analysis processes to focus more on borrowers’ financial position, including cash flow and industry norms.
  • Support VBL in meeting the reporting and performance requirements of the facility.

Select Results

  • Developed a commercial strategy for equipment leasing by industry sector and equipment type.
  • Reviewed VBL’s risk management practices and scoring system and provided recommendations to senior management.
  • Provided tailored formal and on-the-job training on risk management and sales skills for SMEs. [1]:


Regional—Advancing Commerce Connectivity and Exports Leading to Economic Readiness for Accession to the EU (ACCELERATE)

The Advancing Commerce Connectivity and Exports Leading to Economic Readiness for Accession to the EU (ACCELERATE) program is a regional buy-in mechanism is designed to advance EU market integration and support the EU accession of up to 12 countries, including Ukraine, Moldova, and countries across the Western Balkans and the Caucasus.

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