Southeast Asia—Clinical Research in Southeast Asia (CRSA)

Client: U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Duration: 2010-2011

Region: Asia and the Pacific

Country: Regional

Solutions: Global Health

DAI helped Social & Scientific Systems (SSS) establish on-the-ground operations in Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. DAI provided administrative and management support services to facilitate clinical research under the multisite, multinational Southeast Asia Infectious Disease Clinical Research Network (SEA ICRN) and the multisite Indonesian clinical research network, which will conduct some of its research as part of the SEA ICRN.

Select Results

  • Provided in-country support services in logistics and information technology (IT) infrastructure, as well as operational support services, to the SSS staff and offices in the region.
  • Provided long-term staff in Indonesia to manage operations, IT, and logistics for all the regional offices.
  • Throughout the project, provided short-term operational support in these areas.


Bangladesh—Systems Strengthening for One Health Activity

The Bangladesh Systems Strengthening for One Health Activity is an initiative to enhance the country’s capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to emerging infectious and endemic zoonotic diseases, while also addressing the challenge of antimicrobial resistance.

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