Sri Lanka—Transition Initiatives Project (SLTI)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2004-2009

Region: Asia and the Pacific

Country: Sri Lanka

Solutions: Fragile States

Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Sri Lanka Transition Initiatives (SLTI) built support for the peace process among Sri Lanka’s citizens and increased collaboration among diverse groups to address local needs. SLTI partners and grantees included local government entities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations, and, to a lesser extent, international NGOs, chambers of commerce, trader and farmer associations, student groups, and the media. Some of these partners would not necessarily have met the financial or institutional requirements for grantworthiness of other international donors. DAI engaged with them in activities that build constituencies for a lasting peace while ensuring compliance with USAID regulations by using an in-kind funding mechanism. SLTI was at the forefront of USAID’s immediate emergency response in the aftermath of the December 2004 tsunami. In the ensuing months, the project contributed to the tsunami recovery in its targeted communities through programs in community infrastructure, livelihoods, and information dissemination totaling $15 million.

Sample Activities

  • Increase collaboration among diverse groups to address local needs.
  • Design and support grant-funded initiatives that promote good governance, improve local government service delivery, strengthen civil society, create public space for open dialogue, and increase competitiveness and access to economic opportunities in conflict-vulnerable and tsunami- and conflict-affected communities.

Select Results

  • Through its offices in Colombo, Trincomalee, Ampara, Matara, and Batticaloa, SLTI vetted, funded, monitored, and evaluated 600 grants worth $30 million.
  • Supported a $715,743 infrastructure project financed by USAID and Hellenic Aid of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece—the Anuradhapura Junction Market in Trincomalee was the first partnership between the two donors.
  • Received funding from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Overseas Humanitarian Disaster and Civic Aid appropriation, through the U.S. Pacific Command, to support the return of people displaced by conflict to their Eastern Province communities of origin. DAI rehabilitated schools, health facilities, and other public infrastructure to meet critical needs in these newly resettled areas. Projects were identified in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers based on needs identified by relevant government authorities and international agencies, and vetted through an inclusive community consultation process.


Regional—Strengthening Regional Peace and Stability in West Africa Program (SRPS)

The Strengthening Regional Peace and Stability in West Africa program builds the capacity and commitment of USAID’s regional and bilateral partners to prevent conflict and address governance weaknesses with the aim of reducing countries’ fragility.

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