Worldwide—GCA Local Adaptation Champions Awards

Client: The Global Center on Adaptation

Duration: 2022-2023

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Sustainable Business Climate

Launched by The Global Center on Adaptation in 2022, the Local Adaptation Champions Awards spotlight and reward inspiring, innovative, and scalable locally led efforts that address the impacts of climate change and build effective climate resilience among the most vulnerable communities, sections of society, and individuals who are at the frontlines of the greatest existential threat faced by humankind.

In 2023, DAI is supporting the delivery of the Local Adaptation Champions Awards through a range of activities including conceptualizing the Awards process; developing the Awards criteria and material required for the submission of entries; developing a global outreach and publicity plan; building an applications portal; managing the receipt of applications; managing the shortlisting process; and organizing a high-level Awards ceremony at COP28 in Duabi, U.A.E.

“DAI has been an instrumental partner in helping the Global Centre for Adaptation to successfully launch its inaugural Locally Led Adaptation Champion Awards. DAI’s social impact and climate expertise have enabled the competition to attract high-quality climate champions from climate-vulnerable countries and attain global reach, culminating in a successful awards ceremony at COP27.”
Anju Sharma
Lead, Locally-led Adaptation, Global Center on Adaptation

Applications are open for 2023

The Awards are open to any individual, organization, or group of partners worldwide, who have implemented or are in the process of implementing climate change adaptation/resilience interventions.

Four winners will receive a cash prize of €15,000 and be invited to an Award Ceremony at COP28 in Dubai, which will take place from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

Learn more or apply here.



Nigeria— Nigeria Governance and Climate Change Programme (NGCP)

The Nigeria Governance and Climate Change (NGCP) program is focused on supporting coalitions to influence governments in resolving climate and governance problems affecting the poorest and vulnerable communities. It facilitates new coalitions to address governance barriers, providing targeted, politically informed assistance to strengthen government systems and support citizen empowerment and accountability.

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