Zambia—Technical Assistance to Inclusive Regulatory Environment Conducive to Business and Investment

Client: European Union

Duration: 2024-2027

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Zambia

Solutions: Economic Growth

Despite economic growth over the last two decades, Zambia’s private sector has remained relatively weak, characterized by a large informal sector, low levels of domestic market competition, and specific sector dependency. Since 2021, the new government has made considerable commitments to improve the policy and regulatory environment for business through the creation of dedicated ministries and a focus on green investment.

We work primarily with Zambia’s Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry and its Ministry of Green Economy and Environment to deliver seven key outcomes, including strengthening select government bodies and regulatory agencies, streamlining the policy and regulatory framework for business, and implementing the National Green Growth Strategy.

Additionally, we manage a €2 million Multi-Annual Programme Estimate related to the development of IT solutions and the purchase of ICT equipment for the Government of Zambia, thereby contributing to its digitalization efforts and enhancing the One-Stop Shop Integration System, e-Registry, and Single Licensing System in select economic sectors.

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Sample Activities

  • Train personnel of selected agencies in a gender- and rights-based approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment.
  • Establish regional regulatory service centres.
  • Design, develop, and implement a One-Stop Shop Integration System and integrate it with existing registration systems.
  • Strengthen the existing public-private Dialogue platform through technical support to specific sector committees or themes.
  • Conduct in-depth sector and sub-sector studies for specific sectors on required licenses and permits for operating businesses.
  • Launch and implement the National Green Growth Strategy.


Worldwide—Digital Transformation Technical Assistance Facility Framework (DTX TAF)

The Digital Transformation Technical Assistance Facility Framework (DTX TAF) supports financial institutions and agribusiness companies in their digital transformation journey by addressing knowledge opportunities and limitations of their current IT systems, product offerings, and corporate strategy.

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