Center for Digital Acceleration

DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration builds on DAI’s decades of experience to design and deploy innovative, user-centered digital tools that drive change across emerging markets.

CDA Insights: White Papers and Publications

Localizing Digital Public Goods

Digital public goods (DPGs) provide local actors with an alternative to expensive, proprietary digital solutions through a verified registry of open-source software, open data, open artificial intelligence models, open standards, and open content.

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AI in Public Service

Toward meaningful transparency and accountability of AI algorithms

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No Reward Without Risk

Addressing the economic impacts of misinformation and other digital harms on MSMEs

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Toward Ethical Artificial Intelligence in International Development

Exploring how the international development community can move toward more ethical uses of AI while still reaping its benefits.

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Regulating AI and Big Data Deployment in Healthcare

Proposing Robust and Sustainable Solutions for Developing Countries’ Governments.

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User Perceptions of Trust and Privacy on the Internet

Frontier Insights research into user perceptions of trust and privacy on the internet in India and Ghana.

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A case study in human-centered design in the highlands of Guatemala.

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Digital Inclusion and a Trusted Internet

The role of the international development community in balancing internet access and cybersecurity.

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Coffee Cloud: Precision ag at the touch of a button (English)

A case study on the design and development of Coffee Cloud, a mobile application that brings data-driven, precision agriculture techniques to coffee farmers across Central America

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Coffee Cloud: Una necesidad regional con un enfoque nacional (Spanish)

Un estudio de caso sobre el diseño y desarrollo de Coffee Cloud, una aplicación móvil que utiliza datos para brindar técnicas precisas para la agricultura a los productores de café en América Central

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Building the Future of Tech-Enabled Agriculture

Countries across Africa can boast of making impressive strides, especially in the past decade, toward becoming vibrant economies that attract foreign investment and increase opportunities for their citizens.

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Read the latest issue of Developing Alternatives

Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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