Fragile States

DAI’s Fragile States work builds on our global reputation for innovative post-crisis assistance to support political transition, ensure short-term stability operations, prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE), and lay the foundation for long-term development in fragile, crisis-stricken states.


In insecure environments, it’s critical that community revitalization efforts are driven by community members. We identify key groups committed to peaceful, participatory reform. We strengthen locally driven conflict mitigation efforts. And we help communities seize opportunities for economic recovery.

Our approach focuses on implementing rapid response initiatives that engage stakeholders in reconciliation and stabilization processes that build a base for long-term development. We seek to rebuild social capital through work with community institutions and support to culturally sensitive activities. We work with organizations and individuals to strengthen their capacity. We promote economic recovery and economic growth by engaging with the private sector.

When crises develop, we adapt quickly, deploying staff and funds and adapting program interventions as needed. We respond to a range of needs, from micro-projects at the community level to provincial, national, and even regional work with a variety of organizations, institutions, and partners.

Our Experts

Arthur Carlson is an international development practitioner with 28 years of experience leading complex projects in emergency response, governance, refugee assistance, countering violent extremism, peacebuilding, and institutional system strengthening.

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Kevin Casey is an advisor with experience bringing innovative methodologies to research in conflict, transitional, and stabilization contexts.

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Chuck Chopak is a Senior Lead Specialist in the Resilience and Stability practice with more than 35 years of experience managing, planning, and implementing food security and livelihood activities across Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America & the Caribbean.

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Phelps Feeley has more than 10 years of experience in program design, leadership and management for political transition, governance, stabilization, peacebuilding, research, media, and civil society strengthening projects.

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Silvestre Filipe is a governance and community engagement expert with over a decade of experience leading donor-led projects, particularly in Mozambique.

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Kieran brings over a decade of experience at DAI, where he leads high-performing proposal and project teams in dynamic environments.

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Ahmed Hassen has 14 years of experience in conflict resolution, economic resilience, local governance, and citizens’ empowerment throughout East Africa and the Horn, and currently serves as the Deputy Chief of Party for USAID’s Somalia People-Centered Governance Activity (PCG).

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Dan Langfitt is an international development professional with more than 12 years of experience at both the community and country levels, including almost nine years at DAI.

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Clare McConnachie is the Chief of Party of the Central Asia Resilient Communities Activity Activity and brings 24 years of experience managing, implementing, and monitoring community-based social and political stabilization programs, including over seven years leading projects in Afghanistan, Burma, Central Asia, and Sri Lanka.

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Kayte Meola is a sociologist, researcher, and gender, youth, and social inclusion advisor focusing on women’s and girls’ empowerment in agriculture and environment in international development.

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Lindsay North is a Principal Specialist in the Resilience and Stability practice with more than 13 years of experience in design, research, monitoring, evaluation, and learning for peacebuilding, governance, and stabilization programs.

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John Sampson has more than 17 years of experience leading complex, high-speed programs in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile environments, including stability and transition, countering violent extremism, governance, climate-related conflict, natural resource management, emergency assistance, crisis management, infrastructure, and civil-military coordination programs.

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Heather Skilling has more than 25 years of experience in strengthening water security and sanitation service delivery through analytic, project design, evaluation, and consulting work.

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Bruce Spake is Vice President for Field Engagement.

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Our Projects

Central Asia—Support for Stable Societies (CASSS); Resilient Communities Activity

The Central Asia Resilient Communities Activity assists hotspot communities in building resilient ecosystems that reduce risk and enhance protection against violent extremism.

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Nigeria—Accountable, Responsive, and Capable Government (ARC)

The programme helps local governments in Nigeria develop and implement policy by assisting them in tracking and accounting for how policies, plans, and budgets are used in delivering public goods and services to promote growth and reduce poverty.

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Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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