DAI Granted Accredited Observer Status by the Green Climate Fund

June 06, 2017

DAI was recently granted Accredited Observer status by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), a body set up in 2010 through the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to address the climate adaptation needs and carbon emission reduction strategies of developing countries.

The GCF is mandated to mobilize and allocate international funds to invest in reducing emissions and supporting climate-resilient development. In its initial resource mobilization period, it raised more than $10 billion toward its goal of $100 billion per year by 2020. The Paris Climate Agreement reaffirmed the GCF as the lead operational entity in the global effort to address climate change.

“DAI offers wide range of relevant services, resources, and on-the-ground experience, so we are well positioned to assist the Fund in improving approaches, designing programs, and implementing the investments needed to tackle the disparate challenges posed by a changing climate,” said Andrew Watson, DAI’s Managing Director, Environment.

As an Accredited Observer, DAI is invited to send representatives to GCF Board meetings and will engage with the international and national entities implementing GCF-funded projects around the world. Looking ahead to the next step in our partnership with the GCF, we continue our efforts to become an Accredited Entity, which would allow DAI to help developing countries prepare proposals for GCF funding and collaborate with current Accredited Entities to implement GCF projects.

“We look forward to playing our part in the work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help vulnerable people become more resilient to the impacts of climate change,” said Watson.

Watch this video to learn more about DAI’s approach to climate change programming:



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