Afghanistan Resources (SIV & P-2)

منابع معلومات برای افغانستان (P-2 & SIV)

If you are an Afghan national who has worked directly as an employee for DAI in Afghanistan and you need an Employment Verification Letter (EVL) to apply for the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Program or need an Employer Priority-2 Designation (P-2) Referral, please email We are committed to supporting you in the application process.

How do I request an SIV EVL or a Referral to the P-2 program?

**Please email us at for more information. Once you receive your EVL, please follow Department of State guidelines for submission of your SIV application. DAI will directly submit your application materials for P-2 referrals.

Please use caution when providing personal information about your Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) application or Priority (P-2) referral to any third-party organization. If you are concerned about an organization’s authenticity, please email with the details and contact information of the third-party organization and we will work to confirm that it is a valid source.

What documents should I submit?

Needed Information Documentation Accepted by DAI
Forms of Identification - Primary Applicant Tazkira, National ID card, Passport, Translated Tazkira
Contact Information Phone Number, other Email Addresses
Employment Agreements and Scopes of Work  
Related Employment documents Employee Badge, Certificates, Paystubs
Family Documents (Forms of Identification for Family Members, Marital Status, Relevant Certificates) (P-2 only) Tazkira, National ID Card, Passport, Translated Tazkira, Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate
P-2 Referral Form (P-2 only) Fill out using this form

How do I check on the status of my request to DAI for an EVL or P-2?

If you submitted your request to, we will email you with any updates regarding the status of your request.

I’ve already submitted my SIV application to the National Visa Center. How do I check on the status?

Call the Department of State SIV Hotline: 1-888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444. The first prompt is for U.S. Citizens. Wait until it finishes the recording, then the second prompt will start. It says, “If you’re calling about Visas, press 1”.

Are there resources for independent consultants, interns, subcontractors, grantees, or vendors?

Please review the information below:

How do I learn more about the U.S. visa programs?

Is DAI relocating its staff members?

DAI is committed to supporting our staff who wish to relocate from Afghanistan to the extent that we can. However, DAI does not directly lead, nor is responsible for, relocation flights. DAI’s primary role is to provide qualifying staff and eligible dependent information and supporting documents to the Department of State and/or private relocation partners. 

As a U.S. Government implementing partner, we have aligned our approach to the Department of State framework and USAID guidance. The Department of State has established a new unit focused on relocation and resettlement, led by Ambassador Elizabeth Jones as Coordinator for Afghan Relocation Efforts. At this time, the Department of State is only supporting the relocation of U.S. Citizens, Lawful Permanent U.S. Residents, evacuation-separated family reunification cases, and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and eligible applicants. For more information on Department of State flight manifest eligibility, please reference the linked graphic developed by the #AfghanEvac Coalition.

DAI established a dedicated Afghanistan Relocation Team to support relocation efforts of our eligible direct staff on Department of State-sanctioned flights. Our team is working to ensure that all DAI SIV applicants with Chief of Mission (COM) approval or further along in the SIV application process are in the queue for official relocation by the Department of State. For those of you who are SIV applicants, we will contact you for additional information as the Department of State requires.

At this time, DAI is unable to support relocation efforts for subcontractor employees, independent contractors, interns, grantees, or vendors. Should this change, we will update this page. For subcontractors, please contact your employer directly.