Nigeria— Nigeria Governance and Climate Change Programme (NGCP)

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2024-2028

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria

Solutions: Climate

The Nigerian government recognizes the devastating effects of climate change on socio-economic development. However, poor governance and stakeholder engagement hinder climate resilience efforts despite growing awareness about climate change impacts. Effective collective action for mitigation and resilience remains elusive.

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) funded Nigeria Governance and Climate Change Programme (NGCP) is focused on supporting coalitions to influence governments in resolving climate and governance problems affecting the poorest and vulnerable communities. It aims to increase state government income from internally generated revenue, mainstream climate action in state government policy, planning, and budgets, and strengthen election delivery and credibility. The program is implemented in Kaduna, Kano, and Jigawa in north-western Nigeria, with targeted strategic engagement at the federal and regional levels.

NGCP builds on the successes of predecessor projects—such as Accountable, Responsive, and Capable Government (ARC) and State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness, and Capability (SPARC)—which have underpinned governance reform in Nigeria for more than 20 years.

The program treats climate change as a political and governance issue. It facilitates new coalitions to address governance barriers, providing targeted, politically informed assistance to strengthen government systems and support citizen empowerment and accountability. Thirty percent of resources are allocated towards gender equality and inclusion.

NGCP supports the development and implementation of effective governance and climate strategies. This includes embedding, deepening, and broadening reform efforts in partner states and at the federal level to influence change throughout all 36 Nigerian states. It aims to establish communities of practice for Commissioners of Planning and Budget from all states and for senior women in civil or public service.

Partnering with The Policy Practice, Integrity, International Centre for Energy, Environment and Development, Women’s Environmental Programme, Bridge that Gap, and Accountability Lab, DAI aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Strengthened institutional and legal reform processes to support more inclusive power structures and better responses to climate risks and impacts.
  • Facilitated coalitions of reformers to influence the government to resolve climate, governance, and social protection issues, holding the government more accountable.
  • Increased state government revenue and generation and better preparation of states to access climate finance. Strengthened state planning, budgeting, and policies to ensure better service delivery, social protection, and responses to climate risks and impacts.


Sample Activities

  • Facilitating coalitions of reformers in government, civil society, the private sector, politicians, and others who have an interest in positive change in governance, climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience, rapid population growth, and service delivery problems.
  • Enhancing public financial management systems with searchable databases and toolkits on ease of doing business, local government planning, gender conflict, and social inclusion.
  • Increasing state government capability and accountability to citizens to mainstream climate and deliver social protection in core governance processes.
  • Establishing Communities of Practice: Form communities of practice for Commissioners of Planning and Budget from all 36 states and create networks for senior women serving as civil or public servants in strategic sectors.
  • Increasing state government capability and accountability to manage internal revenue and plan for and access climate finance. Managing a strategic-opportunities fund to enable the program to respond flexibly to political opportunities as they arise.


Worldwide—Expert Advisory Call Down Services 2 (EACDS2) Lot 4: Climate Change, Nature, and Global Health

The Expert Advisory Call Down Services (EACDS) Lot 4: Climate Change, Nature, and Global Health provides rapid, quality-assured, short-term technical expertise to support the development of U.K. Aid programs.

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