Regional—Implementation of Paris Agreement (RIPAP)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2017-2018

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Regional

Solutions: Environment Climate

Climate change is a global challenge that requires a collaborative response. With the recently concluded Paris Agreement, there is an increasing demand for international cooperation to drive the necessary transformation to a more resilient, low-carbon economy. The European Union (EU) has been implementing ambitious climate policy for decades and has accumulated extensive knowledge to be shared with experts and policymakers in the beneficiary countries.

Our project contributed to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the development of a resource-efficient, low-emissions, and climate-resilient economy in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Türkiye.

We helped the countries implement the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and low-emissions development strategies. Additionally, the project enabled regional cooperation through the exchange of information, best practices, experience, and awareness-raising.

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Sample Activities

  • Increase awareness of relevant staff working in the beneficiary countries about the outcomes and provisions of the Paris Agreement.
  • Facilitate the upgrade of national greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting practices by Western Balkan countries and Türkiye.
  • Strengthen the monitoring, reporting, accreditation, and verification requirements targeted at operators and authorities in the Western Balkan countries and Türkiye.

Select Results

  • Facilitated capacity-building events—meetings, training, seminars—and ad hoc assistance to the participating beneficiaries in meeting the objectives of the project.
  • Supported the development and maintenance of greenhouse gas inventories, towards the implementation of local legislation on EU Monitoring Mechanisms and preparation of reports on emission inventories.
  • Enabled the development of robust emission inventories for the Emissions Trading System installations.
  • Helped draft legislation for selected sectors falling under the scope of EU climate acquis.


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