
Strengthening and improving government performance by providing technical advice, strategic guidance, and support to public institutions, elected bodies, and citizens.

Justice, Citizen Security, and Rule of Law

Fundamental to any model of good governance are strong, fair, enforceable laws and their just and equitable application to all citizens. Our law and justice practice helps build this framework in the countries where we work by strengthening formal judicial institutions and expanding access to justice by working with nonformal dispute resolution regimes. We increase the capacity of legislators, police, prosecutors, judges, court administrative staff, lawyers, and nonstate justice officials to build legal frameworks, and institutions, and to operate within established laws and regulations.

Our Experts

Javier Agosto is a proven leader with demonstrated technical and operational skills needed to deliver complex projects. His early professional career passion for environmental management and conservation cemented a broader commitment to good governance.

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Kira Griswold is a dynamic leader and problem solver with more than 13 years’ of experience in international program design, implementation, and operations in complex environments.

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Antonio Iskandar is leading DAI’s efforts in the Security, Transparency, Accountability, and Rule of Law area by supporting business development efforts, the generation of knowledge and technical products, and the successful implementation of projects within that practice.

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Oliver Mader leads DAI’s Governance practice with the European Union (EU) Business Unit. He has experience in good governance such as justice, rule of law, EU integration, international cooperation, public financial management, institutions building, policy reform, and sustainable development.

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At DAI, Timothy supports the Security, Transparency, Accountability, and Rule of Law practice under the Governance Sector. In this role, Timothy is supporting business development, knowledge capture, and technical implementation around access to justice, with an emphasis on people-centered justice approaches.

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Lorie Stokes is a Specialist in the Security, Transparency, Accountability, and Rule of Law practice, with experience in program management, business development, technical writing, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning .

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Caterina Valero is an international development professional with more than 30 years of experience in program management and implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Jaime Warne is a Project Director in the Governance Practice of DAI’s European Union unit. He brings 20 years of experience in international development, implementing projects for international donor agencies, governments, civil society, and private clients worldwide.

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Our Projects

Honduras—Justicia Efectiva Activity

Justicia Efectiva combats impunity and corruption by targeting crime and promoting collaboration among justice institutions and counterparts from civil society, the private sector, academia, and other nonstate actors in Honduras.

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Nigeria—EU Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EUSDGN) Programme, Phase II

DAI supports the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Nigeria—which works to enhance the credibility of the elections and seeks to boost citizen participation across the country.

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Moldova—Support for Structured Policy Dialogue, Coordination of the Implementation of the Association Agreement, and Enhancement of the Legal Approximation Process

This project is increasing the capacity of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and other key national institutions in implementing the European Union-Republic of Moldova Association Agenda.

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Mexico—Programa para el Fortalecimiento de Instituciones de Justicia Penal Estatal (ConJusticia)

ConJusticia in Mexico consolidates and sustains recent justice system reforms by supporting state-level attorneys general offices and justice courts, with an emphasis on promoting collaboration and durable partnerships between these entities and other justice sector and local actors.

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Nigeria—Accountable, Responsive, and Capable Government (ARC)

The programme helps local governments in Nigeria develop and implement policy by assisting them in tracking and accounting for how policies, plans, and budgets are used in delivering public goods and services to promote growth and reduce poverty.

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Honduras—Justice, Human Rights, and Security Strengthening Activity (Unidos por la Justicia)

The Justice, Human Rights, and Security Strengthening Activity (Unidos por la Justicia) works with local partners to improve citizen engagement with the security and justice sectors; enhance the efficiency of the judicial system; and increase the effectiveness of community police.

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Read the latest issue of Developing Alternatives

Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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