DAI and the European Union

The European Union (EU) is the world’s largest development donor. DAI, with its long-term presence on the European continent, is a key partner in the implementation of the EU global strategy for international development and cooperation.



Webinar: Ukraine Should Strongly Prioritize EU Accession to Support Rapid Business Growth

Ukraine should move rapidly to advance accession negotiations now under way with the European Union (EU), according to experts who spoke at the recent DAI-sponsored webinar, “Catalysing Business Growth in Ukraine through Accelerated EU Accession.” 

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From Fragmentation to Resilience: Ukraine's Non-Banking Sector Looks to a Stronger Future

The European Union commissioned the EU-FINREG project to focused on addressing legal, regulatory, and structural barriers in Ukraine. It has helped instill resilience, transparency, and investor confidence in Ukraine's non-bank financial sector.

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Funding Climate Action in the South Mediterranean

Water scarcity, rising temperatures, and desertification are growing concerns, endangering delicate ecosystems and putting pressure on local infrastructure, industries, and population in the Mediterranean. Climate adaptation and mitigation efforts are essential.

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Strengthening South Africa’s Public Sector Capacity to Drive Sustainable Development

With more than 1 million employees, the South African government is the country’s single-largest employer. Public officials, both elected and appointed, play a critical role in the efficiency of the state, their competence directly affecting the governance and functioning of institutions.

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Climate Change Governance: Six Lessons Learned

Climate change works against the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals, from poverty reduction and food security to institution and capacity building.

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Q&A: Switching to Renewable Energy is an Urgent Priority in Batloun, Lebanon

Marwan Kaiss has been the Mayor of Batloun, Lebanon, since 2016. Batloun is a small town in the Chouf district, which forms part of the Chouf Biosphere Reserve. Its natural beauty, proximity to the Reserve, and rich history make it a top spot for environmental and cultural tourism.

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Mainstreaming Climate-Smart Approaches at all Levels of Ethiopian Society

Adapting to climate change and building resilience to its harmful effects is especially important in countries where the population is highly vulnerable to the effects of global warming, such as Ethiopia.

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EU Forest Project in Liberia Tackles Deforestation and Paves the Way for Stability

Liberia is home to half of the remaining rainforest in West Africa. Covering more than 60 percent of the nation’s land surface, forests are the fourth-largest contributor to Liberia’s economy and an important source of income for one-third of its 4.5 million people.

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Zimbabwe Agriculture Project Finds Ways to Engage Smallholder Farmers, Despite COVID-19

March 30 marked one year since the Government of Zimbabwe declared the country’s first nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19. The strict lockdown and enforcement measures have caused significant hardship for most citizens, but particularly for informal traders in poorer urban area...

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Supporting Women’s Inclusion Through Community Development in Pakistan

Since the early 2000s, the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), home to more than 30 million citizens in northwest Pakistan, has suffered from the effects of militancy and natural disasters.

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Fiscal Decentralization Builds Citizen Trust, Positions Ukraine for European Future

Sharing borders with four European Union (EU) member states—Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia—Ukraine is now a participant in the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership, and thus a priority partner of the EU.

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In Somalia, Ensuring Social Protection During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Security Crisis

After many years of conflict, recurrent natural disasters, and humanitarian crisis, Somalia is highly susceptible to poverty and food insecurity, and its health indicators are among the worst in the world.

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How Statistics Can Transform Governance: A Q&A with Economist and Statistician Jean-Paul Zoyem

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Restoring Trust: Toward a People-Centric Security Sector in The Gambia

It’s hard to imagine that The Gambia emerged only recently from 22 years of authoritarian rule: first impressions are of a vibrant and happy nation.

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Paving the Way for Green Energy Financing in the Mediterranean

In the face of a gathering climate crisis, “The world must quickly implement massive energy efficiency and conservation practices,” declared more than 11,000 climate scientists in a statement issued November 5.

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PolSEFF’s Legacy: Lower Energy Bills for Businesses Across Poland; a Financing Model to Scale and Replicate

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Growing a Global Network of Microfinance Practitioners

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How Banks Can Help Businesses Reduce Their Energy Costs

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Yobe State Receives Award of Excellence for Governance Reforms

Yobe State, Nigeria, recently received an award of excellence for its recent governance reforms in public finance management supported in part by DAI-led projects.

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DAI’s Joe Abah Speaks on the Nigeria 2023 Elections at EUSDGN Project Event

The European Union Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria project recently formally closed out its first phase and hosted a launch of its second phase which runs through 2027. The event was both a discussion of accomplishments from the project’s first phase and an opportunity to share plans for the second phase.

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DAI’s Global Health and Digital Expertise Highlighted at EDD 2022

The 2022 hybrid edition of European Development Days (EDD), held June 21-22, will focus on the European Union’s “Global Gateway: building sustainable partnerships for a connected world.” DAI will actively contribute to this year’s event through a stand on the UKaid-funded Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa (TDDA) program; a lunchtime presentation with TDDA country coordinators from Chad and Cameroon; and participation in a panel about artificial intelligence and health.

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DAI Experts Will Present at 7th EU-Africa Business Forum

DAI is pleased to participate in the 7th EU-Africa Business Forum, taking place online from February 14–18.

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New Laws in Serbia Promise to Advance the Energy Transition

DAI is implementing Technical Assistance for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, a European Union project that contributes to the security of energy supply, a more competitive energy market, and sustainable energy development in Serbia.

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DAI Attends Virtual 2021 European Development Days

DAI is pleased to have been present at the European Development Days (EDD) on June 15–16.

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Connecting Public and Private Responses for the COVID-19 Global Recovery—Lessons for a More Inclusive and Sustainable Way Forward

DAI and the European Centre for Development Policy Management will host a series of webinars designed to engage and inform global development stakeholders seeking a more inclusive and sustainable way forward from the COVID-19 crisis.

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Webinar Series: Connecting Public and Private Responses to COVID-19 and its Impact on Global Development

DAI and the European Centre for Development Policy Management announced a series of webinars designed to engage and inform global development stakeholders seeking to mount an effective response to the COVID-19 crisis.

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DAI Names Jakob Zeidler to Lead EU Business Unit

DAI has named Jakob Zeidler to lead its European Union (EU) Business Unit, which focuses on delivering development programs for the EU.

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Human Dynamics Founder Bernhard Hulla Joins the DAI Board

DAI is delighted to welcome Bernhard Hulla to the DAI Board.

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Project-Supported Tunisian City Named a Frontrunner in Global Climate City Challenge

The city of Monastir, Tunisia—supported by a European Commission project—was recently named at a special event at the UN Climate Change Conference as one of the five frontrunners and role models for climate action.

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DAI Acquires Leading European Development Consultancy, Human Dynamics

DAI today announced the acquisition of Human Dynamics, a pre-eminent supplier of international development services in the European market.

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DAI’s Georgia Taylor Leads Panel on Gender Equality, Trade, and Global Market Systems WTO Aid for Trade Conference

Georgia Taylor, Technical Director at DAI Global Health, will lead a discussion on promoting women’s economic empowerment and justice in global market systems at the Aid for Trade Global Review 2019 in Geneva on July 4.

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DAI to Present at European Development Days 2018

DAI is pleased to take part in two panel discussions at European Development Days, June 5 and 6 in Brussels, sharing our work on gender-responsive budgeting and sustainable value chains in the garment industry.

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DAI’s ASiST Facility Produces Documentary on Food Security in Madagascar

The Advisory Service Social Transfers (ASiST III) Programme, funded by the European Commission, recently premiered a documentary video it produced to highlight the work done by European Union projects in Madagascar to assist smallholder farmers in adopting best food and agricultural practices.

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DAI Brussels Holds Official Launch Events

DAI officially unveiled its Brussels office last week with a series of events.

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DAI to Host Two Labs at 2015 European Development Days

DAI is pleased to be hosting two labs at the annual European Development Days event in Brussels on June 3–4.

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DAI-Managed Programme Highlighted in Official EU Communication

The European Commission (EC) recently published its Communication on Private Sector Development (PSD) under the Agenda for Change framework, which sets out the EU Development Policy.

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ICT, Access to Finance Stressed as Solutions to Empower Women

At the DAI-hosted lab at this year’s European Development Days, participants were challenged to come up with creative ways of economically empowering women in developing countries.

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Gahaya Links’ Janet Nkubana, USAID’s Alex Thier to Speak on European Development Days Gender Panel

Janet Nkubana, the co-founder of Rwanda-based Gahaya Links, will be one of four speakers at the upcoming European Development Days conference, November 26–27. She will be part of a DAI-sponsored innovation lab addressing women’s economic empowerment called “Harnessing public private partnerships to connect women’s businesses to international supply chains.”

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Read the latest issue of Developing Alternatives

Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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