Abigail Kaplan Ramage has more than 15 years of experience working in numerous capacities on adolescent, women’s, and children’s nutrition programming. She has worked for Nutrition International, UNICEF, The World Bank, JSI Research and Training Institute, and Save the Children. Prior to joining DAI in 2020 as a senior nutrition advisor to support the Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capabilities Project (TASC), Abigail’s focus was mainly on adolescent nutrition. She was the lead consultant and writer of the World Health Organization’s Guideline: Implementing Effective Actions for Improving Adolescent Nutrition and has also supported the development of adolescent nutrition program guidance for UNICEF. Abigail has direct country experience in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, and Zimbabwe.



Steve Hawkins

Steve Hawkins is a health program management and systems strengthening expert with particular strength in supply chain management.

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