Nils Taxell brings 20 years of experience as a development practitioner focusing on anti-corruption, civil society engagement, governance, and program management, including in fragile and conflict-affected states to his role as Lead Specialist in Anti-Corruption. He has extensive experience in designing, delivering, and leading complex anti-corruption activities, with a focus on prevention and civil society oversight, including in Afghanistan, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, North Macedonia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Ukraine.

Prior to joining DAI, Nils was Senior Technical Director, Anti-Corruption at MSI. Before this, he spent two years as an independent consultant, with clients including BBC Media Action, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the European Union, GIZ, Mercy Corps, and Transparency International. Nils has also served as Head of Research and Adaptation / Senior Technical Advisor with Adam Smith International, Senior Advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, and Chief Technical Advisor with the United Nations Development Programme.



Laura McLean

Laura McLean is experience in managing complex international development projects in countries coping with protracted crises.

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