Thomas Erdmann specializes in natural resources management and project management. A trained forester, he offers expertise in community forestry, agroforesty, ecoregional or landscape-scale conservation and development, conservation forestry, land use planning, and environmental impact and management. Thomas has worked in international development for more than 30 years, including 17 years in the field in developing countries, such as Madagascar (2004 to 2009), where he managed one of two regional programs for the U.S. Agency for International Development-funded Eco-Regional Initiatives to Promote Alternatives to Slash & Burn Practices, a project centered on community-based forest management and agricultural intensification and diversification. In this position, he supervised 20 Malagasy technical and administrative staff and was responsible for the ecoregional conservation and development component of the project.

Thomas’ previous overseas experience includes assignments in Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, and multiple short-term assignments in Haiti. He also spent seven years as a Project Team Director, backstopping a portfolio of environment and economic growth projects in DAI’s Latin America & Caribbean and Eastern Europe region (including projects in Ukraine and Haiti as well as Washington, D.C.-based projects).



Kate Wilson Hargreaves

Kate Wilson Hargreaves is Director of Climate and Environment for DAI’s U.K. office. She has worked in international development for 20 years, a career that has spanned social accountability and transparency, public financial management, global health, climate change, and renewable energy for public services.

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