As he spent time as a child in the United States, Mexico, and Egypt, Walter Weaver wondered why a wide income gulf existed between developed countries and developing countries. As an undergraduate, he found the opportunity to probe this question from a wide array of angles through the lens of political economy—history, city and regional planning, anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, and more. For the last 20 years, he has focused his broad interests in development on environment projects in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. This has included support for projects focused on water security, sanitation, and hygiene; urban water demand management; biodiversity conservation; energy efficiency; and waste recycling and industrial pollution prevention—including support for related policy reform and financing.



Jennifer Solakian

Jennifer Solakian supports DAI’s Water and Energy team as Lead Specialist providing technical support to advance technical innovation and learning across DAI’s portfolio of ongoing contracts and new business development efforts.

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