DAI in Nigeria

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation and largest economy, a country of almost unimaginable promise. But like many emerging nations it faces the development challenges that come with industrialization and growth. With an office in Abuja, our extensive in-country team works with public and private sector clients to realize Nigeria’s extraordinary potential.



Nigeria—Governance and Climate Change Programme (NGCP)

The Nigeria Governance and Climate Change program supports coalitions to influence governments in resolving climate and governance problems affecting the poorest and vulnerable communities. It facilitates new coalitions to address governance barriers, providing targeted, politically informed assistance to strengthen government systems and support citizen empowerment and accountability.

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Nigeria—Partnership for Learning for All (PLANE)

The Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria (PLANE) project is delivering a more inclusive and effective education system and improving learning outcomes for students in their pre-primary and primary years.

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Nigeria—EU Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EUSDGN) Programme, Phase II

DAI supports the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Nigeria—which works to enhance the credibility of the elections and seeks to boost citizen participation across the country.

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Nigeria—State Accountability, Transparency, and Effectiveness (State2State) Activity

The Nigeria State Accountability, Transparency, and Effectiveness (State2State) Activity supports strengthened governance structures in six states.

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Nigeria—Kano State Education Recovery Conference

DAI is delivering a component of the Partnership for Learning in Nigeria (PLANE), the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office’s flagship education program, which operates in Kano, Kaduna, and Jigawa states.

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Nigeria—John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy (JOOPSA), Phases I, II

DAI is helping the John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy (JOOPSA) to train its public service to deliver high-value services to citizens and accelerate other reforms.

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Nigeria—Infrastructure Advisory Facility (UKNIAF)

The U.K. Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility enhances the management of Nigeria’s infrastructure development towards power sector reform, public-private partnerships, capital spending, and repair and maintenance of federal roads.

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Nigeria—Technical Assistance to Strengthen Public Financial Management, Statistics, Monitoring, and Evaluation Systems

This EuropeAid programme assisted Yobe state in Nigeria to build upon the significant progress made so far in fiscal transparency and discipline, by finding ways to broaden the fiscal space sustainably, while ensuring improved delivery of citizen-demanded public goods and services.

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Nigeria—Youth-Powered Ecosystem to Advance Urban Adolescent Health

The Youth-Powered Ecosystem to Advance Urban Adolescent Health and Well-Being program empowered young Nigerians to think about their futures differently and access the skills, social capital, and resources needed to realize their aspirations.

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Nigeria—Accountable, Responsive, and Capable Government (ARC)

The programme helps local governments in Nigeria develop and implement policy by assisting them in tracking and accounting for how policies, plans, and budgets are used in delivering public goods and services to promote growth and reduce poverty.

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U.K. Government Pledges Continued Support as Nigeria’s Jigawa State Makes Plans to Recruit 6,000 New Teachers

The U.K. Government, through the British High Commission in Nigeria, pledged continued support to the Government of Jigawa State.

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FCDO Education Project Gets High Marks for Safeguarding Workshops in Nigeria

The DAI-led Nigeria Partnership for Learning for All (PLANE) project, funded by the U.K Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, is introducing the concept of safeguarding in education settings.

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USAID Governance Project in Nigeria Shepherds First State Water Resource Bill into Law

With assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded State Accountability, Transparency, and Effectiveness (State2State) Activity, Akwa Ibom State passed the Water Resource Bill into law, becoming the first state in Nigeria to adopt the national version of the bill.

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DAI Expands ISO 9001:2015 Certification to its Operations in Nigeria

DAI is pleased to announce that it has achieved the internationally recognized ISO 9001:2015 certification for its operations in Nigeria, establishing the location as an operations leader in international development consulting and implementation.

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Yobe State Receives Award of Excellence for Governance Reforms

Yobe State, Nigeria, recently received an award of excellence for its recent governance reforms in public finance management supported in part by DAI-led projects.

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FCDO Project Facilitates Ministerial Performance Review Retreat in Nigeria

Citing his administration’s efforts to fight corruption and improve governance, Nigerian President Muhammed Buhari recently opened the 3rd Ministerial Performance Review Retreat, an event facilitated by the Partnership to Engage, Reform, and Learn (PERL) project, which is funded by the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and in part led by DAI.

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DAI’s Joe Abah Speaks on the Nigeria 2023 Elections at EUSDGN Project Event

The European Union Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria project recently formally closed out its first phase and hosted a launch of its second phase which runs through 2027. The event was both a discussion of accomplishments from the project’s first phase and an opportunity to share plans for the second phase.

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DAI’s Enene Ejembi Reflects on Prospects for “Local Action” at UNGA’s SDG Action Zone

DAI’s Enene Ejembi took part in a wide-ranging discussion touching on poverty, inequality, gender, and climate during UNGA’s SDG Action Zone events.

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DAI’s Joe Abah Gives the Keynote Address at the 2022 Nexford Nigeria Graduation

DAI’s Country Director in Nigeria Dr. Joe Abah recently provided the keynote speech at the Nexford Nigeria 2022 graduation ceremony.

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DAI Hosts Fintech Roundtable in Nigeria

DAI recently hosted members of Nigeria’s financial technology ecosystem to discuss the direction of financial regulation and its potential impact on the sector.

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DAI’s Joe Abah Stresses Cost of Climate Change Inaction at Carbon Conference in Abuja

DAI Country Director in Nigeria, Dr. Joe Abah, recently spoke at the inauguration of the Carbon Chamber Project, by the National Chamber Policy Centre of the Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta Foundation Awards DAI

DAI has been recognized by the Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) with an award as part of the foundation’s 10-year anniversary celebration of making a difference by reducing poverty, powering coastal communities, catalyzing youth employment, fostering stability, empowering local organizations and enabling development in the Niger Delta region.

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DAI Magister Facilitates Landmark Nigeria FinTech Transaction for Baxi

We are delighted to report that DAI—through DAI Magister, the investment fundraising and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisory arm of DAI Capital—served as co-advisor for Capricorn Digital (trading as Baxi) in its recently announced purchase by MFS Africa.

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Joe Abah Appointed to Governance Working Group for Federal Ministry in Nigeria

The Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget, and National Planning Ministry has appointed DAI’s Nigeria Country Director, Dr. Joe Abah, as a member of the Governance, Institutions, Administrations of Justice, Anti-Corruption and National Orientation Technical Working Group.

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DAI’s Nigeria Country Director, Joe Abah, Joins the Nigeria Digital Identity for Development Project Steering Committee

The government of Nigeria has inaugurated a steering committee to drive the country’s digital identity programme. President Muhammadu Buhari appointed Dr. Joe Abah, DAI’s Country Director for Nigeria, as a member of the committee, which has the mandate to fast-track the implementation of Nigeria’s Strategic Roadmap for accelerating digital identity development.

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DFID Women for Health Programme Takes Stock, Looks Forward

The U.K. Department for International Development’s Women for Health Programme (W4H) has published a new report reflecting on the progress and lessons learned over seven years of improving women’s health and supporting women health workers in northern parts of Nigeria where female nurses and midwives are desperately needed.

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Nigeria Country Director Participates in Governance Lecture

At the 13th Annual ǼLEX Lecture, held in Lagos in July, DAI was represented by Nigeria Country Director Dr. Joe Abah, who, alongside other governance experts, debated about the drivers of a strong democracy—strong men or strong institutions.

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Joe Abah to Co-Chair Nigerian Economic Summit Group’s Governance and Institutions Steering Committee

Nigeria Country Director Dr. Joe Abah was recently named as Co-Chair of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group and will serve on its Steering Committee on Governance and Institutions.

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DAI Global Health Experts Lead Discussions on Closing Nigeria’s Health Financing Gap at CCA Forum

Annie Baldridge and James McIntyre-Brown of the DAI Global Health team discussed solutions to Nigeria’s health financing gap at the Corporate Council on Africa Health Forum in Abuja, Nigeria.

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Governor-Elect Gives Keynote at DAI Board Meeting in Nigeria

DAI’s Board was treated to a keynote speech by Dr. Kayode Fayemi, Governor-Elect or Ekiti State, in Nigeria as part of its quarterly meeting, which is held once per year in a country where DAI works.

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DAI Hosts “Accelerating Competitiveness” Roundtable in Abuja, Nigeria

DAI on June 25 hosted a roundtable in Nigeria to discuss ways to leverage the country’s increased competitiveness for agricultural productivity and broad-based economic growth.

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DAI’s Joe Abah Focuses on Accountability at Nigeria’s Open Government Partnership Week

DAI Country Director Joe Abah was one of several prominent speakers at Nigeria’s Open Government Partnership (OGP) Week. Delivered today at the Barcelona Hotel in Abuja, Abah’s address was titled, “To Whom Much Is Given: National Accountability Stewardship and the Role of Public Servants.”

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DAI Hosts “Governance Matters” Roundtable in Abuja, Nigeria

DAI recently hosted leading figures from Nigeria’s government, civil society, and the international community in a productive discussion of the role of governance in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Distinguished Nigerian Professional Ike Osakwe Joins DAI Board

Ike Osakwe, most recently the Managing Director of GRID Consulting, has joined DAI’s Board of Managers following the recent successful acquisition of GRID.

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DAI Joins Forces with Nigeria’s GRID Consulting

GRID, Nigeria’s leading development consultancy, will join DAI effective immediately. A long-time partner of DAI’s, Lagos-based GRID specializes in financial advisory services, human resource management, and development program implementation.

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West Africa GIS Workshop Shines Light on Women and Climate Change

University students from Benin, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria recently came together for 10 days of training on geospatial technology, through a fellowship program supported by MyCOE/SERVIR, a joint initiative between My Community Our Earth (MyCOE) and the SERVIR satellite-based Earth observation platform of data and imagery.

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Nigerian Foundation Receives Award for Fostering Inclusive Economic Growth

The Foundation for Partnership Initiative in the Niger Delta (PIND) recently received a 2012 Delta Achievers’ Merit Award (NDAMA) for its work on partnerships that promote inclusive economic growth.

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Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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